Transform your Venue: Easily convert your entertainment space into a multiplayer Virtual Reality arena.
Most venues are currently looking to transform their spaces in a way that is new, interactive and easy to operate. Installing a VR entertainment arena gives you an opportunity to transform your venue into a multiplayer gaming space. Choosing the right VR system enables you to set up an entertainment space that is adaptable to your customers, that can affordably be used for a variety of VR entertainment games and that draws return visits.

Why VR?
Virtual reality games are taking the world by storm. Customers are increasingly demanding VR spaces so that they can try out new exciting alternatives to conventional multiplayer games currently offered in the market. Unfortunately, many operators are unfamiliar with how VR fits in with their entertainment offering.
By transforming your entertainment space into a VR arena you offer yourself a competitive alternative to what is currently offered on the market. VR laser tag games such as ‘Robo Raiders’, offers an exciting spin on classic attraction, enabling you to stand out in a crowded market.
Of Americans today are familiar with VR technology
Billion is the expected market value of VR
Venues currently offer virtual reality – And it is expected to grow!
Why you should choose a SPREE Arena?
While there are currently a few options on the market when you are considering setting up a multiplayer VR arena, we believe a SPREE Arena can offer the most affordable and interactive games whilst providing you with the quickest ROI. And thanks to SPREE’s flexibility in size, we can adapt to almost every space imaginable. We can deliver for you a truly social experience – from small play areas to stadium-sized arenas.

What sets a SPREE Arena apart:
- Technology:
A SPREE Arena offers a free-roam tracking system and patented sensor fusion technology with no wires required. Currently, most providers on the market require their systems to have limiting wires, taking the appeal and immersion out of VR entertainment games. The SPREE Arena utilises all-in-one headsets meaning where no heavy PC backpacks are needed. As soon as the player puts on the headset, they can enter the game. This results in extremely fast onboarding; with a maximum hourly throughput of up to 400 game cycles. In addition, the SPREE Arena allows you to have up to 10 players, far more than any competitor on the market, thus being the highest throughput VR in the world
- Running costs:
A SPREE Arena has the lowest upfront cost compared to any of our competitors and is very easy to operate, with a minimal ‘click-to-play’ setup. With a SPREE system, your entertainment space will have very low operating costs, only requiring 1 operator to 10 players ratio, making a fantastic ROI for you.
- Current Games:
We currently offer a wide variety of games, which include family-friendly, educational and Esport experiences. Our range of fun games are multiplayer, competitive and are perfect for any venue, whether that be an entertainment centre, museum, field trip or even an empty space.
- Proven success:
VR Arenas are growing in popularity throughout the world as demand is outstripping the supply of VR entertainment spaces. The SPREE Arena has a proven track record of transforming spaces into interactive revenue-driving venues. Along with many locations around the globe, we recently launched our VR system at the ODYSSEUM Museum in Cologne, proving VR is adaptable to all locations.
“Virtual worlds and digital games have become an integral part of most children’s spaces and many adults have also discovered their enthusiasm for them,” says Susanne Göllner, Head of Corporate Communication at Explorado Group GmbH. “In the SPREE Arena, it is not only possible to dive into the virtual worlds together and across generations and to play together as a family, SPREE Arena also gives visitors the chance to learn something playfully and interactively with games such as Mission to Mars.”
“The SPREE Arena is great anchor attraction in our shopping mall, both current shoppers but above all new shoppers (80%) were attracted and rated it amazingly high; 4,5 out of 5 stars” – Lars Sammann, Center Manager, Forum Schwanthaler Höhe (Part of the HBB Hanseatische Beteiligungs- und Betreuungsgesellschaft)
As Virtual Reality continues to grow in popularity, a VR arena is the answer to transforming any empty space into a revenue-driving venue. However, a SPREE Arena also offers you the added benefits of having the lowest upfront costs, the best free-roaming experience and is the easiest to operate. Packed with a variety of easy to play family-friendly, educational or E-sports games, you can adopt a high-volume quick play revenue model or integrate the team-based games into a package model. With a SPREE Arena, you can transform your entertainment space and stand out in the crowded entertainment market.