
Granny's Alien Invasion

Stop the aliens from abducting the cake in Granny's Alien Invasion! The new game from SPREE Interactive sees players take on the role of a granny with a hand-held vacuum cleaner to defend the oven-warm cake from the hungry attackers from outer space. Each granny needs to suck up as many alien UFOs as possible with her vacuum cleaner, as well as communicating efficiently to assure your team covers all angles.

Granny with a hand-held vacuum cleaner

Competitive Family Fun!

Each granny needs to suck up as many alien UFOs as possible with her vacuum cleaner, and communicate efficiently to assure your team covers all angles.

Different types of UFOs will try to reach the cake in the middle of the room, steal a piece and escape.

Nearing an end, players will face an alien mothership leading to a frenzy showdown. Catch the most Aliens to win!

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